What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word “happiness”? You may find joy in finding that one pair of jeans that perfectly fits you, finally. Or it could be getting heartfelt compliments from your girlfriends on your cute fit.
However, you may have also experienced many kinds of frustrations when it comes to shopping.
“I want to buy more clothes but everything seems too expensive”, “I have a lot of clothes but nothing to wear”, “I want to shop but I'm too lazy to go out”.
If you have had any of these thoughts before, then you’ll definitely LOVE online thrifting.
In this blog, you’ll discover the 6 biggest reasons why you should start thrifting online to level up your shopping experience. Let’s dive in.
New Styles Added DAILY To Level Up Your Fits 👗
If you’ve worn the same outfit as someone in your workplace or at a social gathering and regretted your choice of outfit… You’d know exactly the feeling of tension and awkwardness as soon as you lock eyes with the other person.
We’ve been there.
Purchase your clothes from Taobao and Shopee or popular brands like Love, Bonito and The Stage Walk, and you’re sure to have a CLASH in outfits.
With countless new styles of different designs added daily, you are guaranteed to find pieces that would prevent a huge awkwardness from an outfit clash! You would also be able to find unique, uncommon pieces which would get your girlfriends asking “where did you get that from?”.
It’s time to form your own personal style with online thrifting!
It’s so EASY to find your favourites
Imagine you’re shopping with your best friends at the mall and there’s a floral dress in mind that you’ve always desired. You’re sick and tired of searching high and low, going through over 100s of clothing racks just to find THAT perfect piece...
The disappointment from each visit accumulates and the time wasted weighs on your mind. You end up leaving with no items because you weren’t able to find anything you like.
“Shopping secondhand isn’t a sacrifice. It’s your ticket to the good life.”
Can’t find that one specific item in mind in your local store? No problem, because with the filter function on online thrifting, you’ll never have to experience this painful moment ever again.
It saves so much time and effort, as compared to searching all around Singapore, looking at every item at the retails stores to find your special piece. Just like regular online shopping, you will be able to easily search for items that you like from online thrifting. Online thrifting has filters where you can look for the category, size, colour and budget you want - giving you an easy and happy shopping experience.
It’s time to find the perfect piece of dress that you’ve always wanted.
Safety first, secondhand second. 😷
Have you made plans with your friends to go thrift shopping, but they were cancelled because of the frustrating COVID-19 situation and its restrictions? Yeah… Us too.
You may be concerned about going to a crowded mall and looking through clothes that have been touched by several other hands. Even months after the full lockdowns have ended, going out anywhere other than necessary places appears to be a daunting task....
Luckily, online thrifting will (almost) solve this problem for you! Here is an example of how online thrifting can provide you with a safe and seamless shopping experience.
“The magic of shopping secondhand is that you don’t find the right clothes. The right clothes find you.”
With several online shopping platforms such as Instagram, Carousell, thrifting has never been safer. Just a single click on your mobile phone, and you will be able to have an incredible shopping spree... All without any restrictions or safety concerns HOLDING YOU BACK!!
You will never have to face disappointment from last-minute cancellations of shopping plans ever again.
Here’s a fun fact that you probably didn’t know! Research has shown that it is unlikely for fabric to carry the virus longer than a day. This means that you can have extra assurance that your clothing from online thrifting is safer than your items bought from the mall.
Protect yourself and your loved ones by thrifting online today!
Help the planet, with one sustainable dress at a time. 👚
Did you know? The average number of times a garment is worn has massively decreased by 36% since 2000? Because of social influence, we’re afraid of wearing the same clothes over and over again. (We are all guilty of this.)
In other words, it’s now a norm that we would buy clothes and wear them for LESS than 10 times! How many times do you usually re-wear a piece of clothing again? If you’re wondering how you can be a sustainable fashion consumer, here’s how.
Online thrifting is a more sustainable way because you can add more clothes into your wardrobe… (here we go again!) ALL without consuming additional manufacturing resources. You can enjoy shopping WHILE saving planet Earth at the same time. (Good on you!)
You’ll definitely feel good and happy about yourself as an environmentalist when you online thrift! By online thrifting, you can also help to reduce the environmental impact of fashion, and you will steadily help to build a more sustainable world.
“Shopping secondhand is not only a great way to have new, cute clothes in your wardrobe at an affordable price, but it also gives the clothes a second chance to shine.”
How? By giving pre-loved clothes a new home! The saying “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” is quite true, don’t you think?
So cheap that it’s irresistible. 💰
Want to shop for clothes but you also really, really want to save your hard-earned money? Or you’ve bought something so expensive, you felt you had to wear it to justify what you paid? (You’re wondering why you bought it in the first place)
Perhaps you wanted to check out your shopping cart, only to realise that it has OVER 20 items just from an hour of scrolling through an online platform? You’re groaning in frustration because you need to eliminate the ones you like the least, just so that you don’t make a HUGE dent in your wallet...
Who hasn’t been there?
“Happiness is not found in money alone, but in online thrifting too.”
But what if we told you that you’re able to buy those items you had to painfully sacrifice without even looking at how much you have at checkout?
With online thrifting, you get to purchase your favourite items at heavily discounted prices! Clothing can be found at more than 50% off the retail prices because of its preloved nature, but still be of the same quality as brand new items.
What kind of clothing would you spend your money on?
Convenient, with just a swipe of your fingers. 🚗
Convenience is by far the BIGGEST perk of online thrifting. It’s one of the main reasons why more and more people are choosing online thrift. Where else can you comfortably shop at midnight while in your irresistible cute llama pajamas?
Forget about waiting in line for the cashiers to track down your purchases when you can do your OWN shopping in MINUTES! You no longer have to sift through the gigantic piles of clothes at a retail store.
Because right now you can effortlessly do online thrifting at the COMFORT of your own home! And because online thrifting is cheap, this saves you the precious time and money which could be spent on the pleated maxi dress that you’ve always wanted for a long time...
With just ONE click, your next piece is on its way.
Here’s an exclusive tip, just for you: With over 2,000 pieces available on our online store, you can simply cart out the pieces you want and choose either self-collection or delivery.
Spend over just $30 to get yourself free delivery, and all you have to do is sit back and relax while your package arrives! You’re definitely going to feel satisfied with your next piece of clothing.
Are you ready to online thrift and expand your beautiful wardrobe?
With all of these incredible benefits of online thrifting, you can feel a lot happier about helping the environment while also having a seamless and joyful shopping experience right at your fingertips.
Online thrifting is so much fun and rewarding (imagine you're on a mystery treasure hunt!) that you'll feel like you don't have enough time to shop for everything!
If you’re looking to get the most sensational and satisfying thrifting experience...
Start online thrifting with REFASH today!
With that, we hope today’s read will inspire you to kickstart your journey with online thrifting! For updates on sales on our online thrifting site (refash.sg), follow us on our Instagram (@refashsg) and Facebook (@Refash)